Your answers will help us to better understand the business, essence of the task, and more accurately evaluate the timeline and cost of the project.
How would you want us to call you?
Your work email?
What is your phone number?
How did you get to know about us?
What stages of branding can we be useful at
What will we work with
What is its name? Your site
What should we read about the aspects of your product and market trends?
What are you proud of in your company?
What are you proud of in your product?
Plans and objectives of the company? Not financial plans like "we want to earn a billion," but the social responsibility of the manufacturer or the reason for creating a business.
What is the nature and lifestyle of your product consumer?
What other audiences interact with your company and product, besides end-buyer?
Why do people buy products in your category? For example, cosmetic products can be bought due to different reasons: hide fatigue, prolong youth, take care of future health, attract people.
What prevents people from constantly using products in your category? For example, because of lack of time, people prefer fast food to a traditional cafe.
What do you promise to people who use products of other categories solving the same problems? For example, when they choose a train instead of a plane.
What prevents people from buying your product for the first time or repeatedly?
How do you convince customers that your product is better than counterparts?
What words do people use to recommend the product or company to friends or in social networks?
What is the one word people use to recommend your product or company?
Who are your competitors and what do they promise the audience?
What are the foreign counterparts, and what is good and bad in them?
What can you compare your product or company to? For example, the services of an insurance company are often compared to an umbrella.
If you compare it to a person, what is the nature or character of your product or company?
Where do people find out about your product?
Limitations that must be considered: existing brand manual, results of marketing research, name, logo or other.
How do you see your visual identification? (logo, font, color, icons, patterns, photo style) What character should suit him?
male / female
young / mature
luxurious / economical
playful / serious
simple / complex
graceful / noticeable
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