Business card
website creation

The simplest site contains one or a few pages

Typically, this page contains information about the company, person or business, and contacts. It may include price lists.
Perhaps, your company brand has just begun to develop, and the first web project should be done faster. But at the same time, it should be of high quality, have credibility among users. Your web resource should have great design and unique content. In such cases, the development of a business card website is more suitable.


Best solution for young companies

Creating a business card site is inexpensive in comparison with more complex sites. It doesn’t require much time and costs. We create business card sites from scratch and on the turn-key basis. In order to manage content, we often use the WordPress system.


Advantages of developing a small site

The business card site development doesn’t require large-scale works, long terms, and it is quite inexpensive. We give you an excellent opportunity to make a name both in Ukraine and in the world, provide comprehensive information about the company, its products or services in a compact version.

We have created a lot of sites for different companies. You can look at some of our cases

Usually, it takes 3 weeks to create a turn-key business card site. The price depends on the number of pages and scope of work.

Are you a young and ambitious company? Do you want to declare yourself to the whole world and do it in a short time? The business card site will be a good tool for you. For the competent creation of the site, please fill in the brief
Fill in our brief

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